How fast can you type?

How fast can you type?
November 22, 2020

Learning to type fast and accurately is one of the most valuable skills anybody can learn today, because computer skills are required in every educational institution and most of works. The best way to improve our speed and accuracy is by using the ten fingers to type, commonly called touch typing, which may take several hours of practice, but it will pay off. Typing faster will not only help you find more job opportunities, but also improve your health.

If you know our psychometric tests, you already know that we love challenges related to improving concentration and memory, so we work to provide authentic and functional solutions that help in that direction. Motivated by the benefits of typing fast and accurately, we put at your disposal a new tool: Typing faster, which will allow you to customize the practices, so that you progress at your own pace.

Although there are several tools on the web that you can use to practice your typing, and the one we propose shares many similarities with some of them; our tool adds some particular features that may be interesting to you, such as:

  • You can define the time for each practice section, depending on your interests and motivations.

  • You can choose different options that will help you focus first on mastering the basic typing, and then make the settings harder. That’s the case of not using capital letters or using only common words, instead of sentences, defining also, the maximum length of the words. We know the importance of typing correctly as well as fast, but these facilities will help in the beginning, especially to beginners, to not discourage themselves with so many errors or not being so fast. Words cover about 1500 of the most common in the English language, and sentences were taken from text segments of the universal literature books.

Practicing using common words

At the end of each practice, the tool provides a series of statistics and data that will help you assess your performance.

  • Total keystrokes and correct and incorrect words, as well as other indicators: Effectiveness (Percentage of correct words out of the total of completed words), average keystrokes per second on correct words and the average words per minute, although in this case not the physical words are used, but the standardized metric that 5 keystrokes comprise a word.

Words per minute and other stats

  • All the errors, grouped by letters, so will have a picture about the most problematic letters where you should focus, classifying the errors in three types: missed letters, exchanged letters and additional letters.

  • List of all the words, where you can see which ones were incorrect and the mistakes.

Typing errors

  • A bar chart, with the total keystrokes per second. Ideally, you should keep a speed per second as steady as possible.

Keystrokes per second

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