New free product launched by Nibcode Solutions. Psychometric Training.

New free product launched by Nibcode Solutions. Psychometric Training.
December 23, 2013

Many organizations use psychometric tests when making recruitment and promotion decisions. Some of these tests measure your ability to reason, problem solve, decide and learn, which psychologists define as General intelligence or G factor.

Although some early studies revealed that you didn’t have much control over your intelligence, because it was genetic, the real fact is that you can train your brain and increase your intelligence, and the more you train, the more you gain. It is very useful to train doing problems that don't resemble the previous ones you have done, but doing problems similar to the test questions as well, because you will avoid wasting time understanding what you have to do.

For most purposes psychologists distinguish between two broad types of Types of psychometric test.

The first type is concerned with finding out what you are like in normal, day-to-day situations. Personality questionnaires are an example of this sort of test, and are particularly useful in those situations where job performance is dependent on how you present yourself to other people.

The second type is concerned with measuring maximum performance, and are designed to assess your reasoning or cognitive ability. They are generally named as aptitude or ability tests, and basically they include: Abstract reasoning tests, Verbal reasoning tests, Numerical reasoning tests, Perceptual reasoning tests, Spatial reasoning tests and Mechanical aptitude tests.

In order to help you to increase your chance to overcome successfully the second type of psychometric tests, Nibcode Solutions has launched Psychometric Training, an online tool, completely free, focuses on teach you how to solve different non-verbal reasoning problems.

It has hundreds of different exercises for each of the 6 kinds of tests it includes: Dominoes Test, Progressive Matrices Test, Abstract Reasoning Test, Test of Numbers, Test of Numerical Sequences and Mixed Test. Many problems have been extracted from real tests, while others have been created by Nibcode Solutions, but all of them are aimed to fully develop your deductive abilities.

For each test presented, there are two running modes: Training and Test. The first one will let you know the answers, as well as explanations that will help you to increase your deductive abilities. Test mode is the classic time trial test, designed to let you test your skills.

You can get historical statistics of your results in both modes, which will allow you to decide on which tests you need to focus and practice, and to find out if you're ready to take similar tests.

We invite you to visit and try this wonderful tool.

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