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results for category: Psychometric tests
The Importance of Psychometric Testing in Recruitment

The Importance of Psychometric Testing in Recruitment

Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin
April 28, 2023

Psychometric tests are an important tool in the hiring process, providing an objective evaluation of a candidate's skills, personality, and behavior patterns. With a high level of predictive validity, these assessments can help identify critical skills and traits necessary for the position, ensuring that the right candidate is hired for the job. Utilizing psychometric tests in the recruitment process is also cost-efficient, saving employers time and resources. While there are various websites available for practicing psychometric tests, it's important to remember that each test is unique and may require specific skills and strategies. Seeking professional advice and guidance can help ensure a successful outcome.


Emojis' test

Brian Rivera
Brian Rivera
August 25, 2021

Emojis are widely used in instant messaging and social media to fill in emotional cues otherwise missing from typed conversation. At Nibcode Solutions, where we are always looking for new challenges, we want you to explore and assess your perceptual skills and your level of impulsivity control using lots of emojis.

The test that we propose is a Difference Perception Test, using simplified emoji faces. It consists of 20 graphic elements, each one has three faces with mouths, eyes and eyebrows represented by elementary lines. Two of the faces are the same, and the exercise consists of determining which one is different by clicking on it.

Logical and abstract reasoning tests

Logical and abstract reasoning tests

Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin
December 18, 2019

Although the most popular way to assess whether a candidate is right for a job position is the one-to-one interview, psychometric tests are used by many employers as a filtering mechanism at an early stage of the recruitment process, especially for technical jobs. They are the most common tools used by recruiters to assess intelligence, skills and personality.

As with any kind of test, you can improve your performance if, beforehand, you know what to expect and you have enough practice. Psychometric Training is, unarguably, one of those tools that will help you to improve you reasoning skills, and overcome most of the logical and abstract reasoning tests applied by recruiters. It not only provides hundreds of free problems to practice, but also useful explanation to help you to understand the logic behind every problem.

New free product launched by Nibcode Solutions. Psychometric Training.

New free product launched by Nibcode Solutions. Psychometric Training.

Kevin Martin
Kevin Martin
December 23, 2013

Many organizations use psychometric tests when making recruitment and promotion decisions. Some of these tests measure your ability to reason, problem solve, decide and learn, which psychologists define as General intelligence or G factor.

Although some early studies revealed that you didn’t have much control over your intelligence, because it was genetic, the real fact is that you can train your brain and increase your intelligence, and the more you train, the more you gain. It is very useful to train doing problems that don't resemble the previous ones you have done, but doing problems similar to the test questions as well, because you will avoid wasting time understanding what you have to do.